Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Big Ditch

Before filming my instructional video at the house, my friend Henry and I decided to skate up the recently created Big Ditch down the road. How could I resist getting this massive drop-in on tape? The Ranger and Dr. Lo deserve alot of appreciation for providing the equipment for our training/practice! ;-)

So my personal critique is this: Using a tripod even when I thought it wouldn't be necessary could have made all the difference in zooming (more steadily), and not moving the camera while capturing a scene!

The Big Ditch by Tyler Cleveland/The Ranger on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. I like what you have done. I think it is a little long though, and I think it is passive. It would have been much better if you could have put the viewer in the drivers seat or shown us what it is like going down the hill on the skateboard. Think of it like a closeup shot. First person as apposed to second or third person.
